Tamron 13VG308ASIRII
Fast, infrared corrected lens for up to 650TVL camera resolution.
The 13VG308ASIR is our universal lens for various purposes. It features not only a wide angel of 92,5° (3mm, 1/3”) with a fast aperture of F/1.0, but it is also IR corrected.
Special glass materials applied in this lens make sure that IR light of up to 1000nm is refracted in the same focal plane as visible light. The image will not defocus with the use of IR-Illuminators and a special coating ensures a high transmission of IR – light.
An additional attribute of this lens is its very high resolution for cameras of up to 650TVL.
The combination of the F-value and IR-correction make the 13V_308ASIR the ideal lens for low light IR-projects, where every grain of light counts.
Available with manual and DC iris.
Ordernumber: EMUT1150 Tamron 13VG308ASIRII, 3-8mm, F1.0, DC autoiris, IR korjattu